Augean manages hard to handle wastes focusing on delivering the best environmental outcomes at its UK treatment and disposal infrastructure.
For the Energy from Waste and Biomass sectors, Augean is the UK’s market leader for the treatment of APCr and Fly Ashes, and hazardous Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA), providing routes for recovery and disposal.
We understand the technical challenges when transporting and handling these specialist waste streams and we have the appropriate permits and processes in place to treat many different types of energy plant residues.
Augean has processed APCr for over 10 years and annually treats around 200,000 tonnes of APCr and Fly Ash, and around 50,000 tonnes of hazardous IBA, at two strategically located facilities in Teesside and near Peterborough.
Augean has a proven track record for safely and compliantly collecting and treating residues from energy plants, whilst delivering excellent customer service.
In 2023, Augean acquired Future Industrial Services, which is a UK market leader in providing specialist industrial cleaning, decommissioning and decontamination for the Renewable Energy, Petrochemical, Manufacturing, Utilities, and Cement sectors throughout the UK. Through this acquisition, the Augean group is the only UK operator who has the resources to undertake Specialist Industrial Services for the Energy from Waste (EfW) and Biomass sector, with its own infrastructure to treat the residues arising from the industrial cleaning process.